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本公寓自民國 81 年 2 月開工興建,承內政部補助工程款購地自建,目前產權歸屬高雄市政府。於 民國 84 年 7 月 1 日 起,委託「財團法人佛光山慈悲社會福利基金會」經營管理,為全省第一座長青公寓,提供集合式住宅予年滿60歲、未患傳染病及精神疾病、身心健康者,使其安心、安住、安老、安樂、安享有尊嚴的高品質退休生活。自101年1月1日起,委託「財團法人高雄市私立萃文書院社會福利慈善事業基金會」承接經營管理,繼續提供優質的服務。民國 87 年起,結合社區資源,擴大辦理老人社區關懷服務,並於民國 97 年增設生活照顧區,以滿足公寓長輩多元需求。


24 小時提供保健諮詢,每週設有家醫科門診。為推行居民健康管理,每年舉辦全身健康檢查,定期舉辦健康講座、特殊疾病團體衛教等預防保健服務。另有緊急送醫配套措施,與社區醫院建立緊急醫療網絡,提供居民完善的醫療服務。


鳳山區醫療專車。(榮總、長庚) 、 802 醫院醫療專車、市公車等,便利居民就醫及往返市區。

The high-rise building commenced construction in February 1992, funded by the department of internal affairs, property owned by the Kaohsiung county government and managed by Fo Guang Shan Compassion Foundation since 1 st of July 1995. It is the first elderly apartment in Taiwan , providing ideal retirement residence for healthy elderly over 60 years of age. 101 years since January 1, Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government Entrust "Kaohsiung City Private Tsui-wen College Social Welfare Philanthropy Foundation" Operational management, to continue to provide quality services. Since 1998, Longevity extended service to healthy elderly in the nearby community, in 2008 start day care and care relief services to meet the multidimensional needs of the aging population.

This senior citizen's apartment consists of 12 stories above the ground and one basement floor, consisting of 180 suites and well-designed disabled access facilities. Public facilities including elevators, central air-condition, public announcement system, emergency alarm system, fitness equipment, computer equipment and solar powered heating system. In addition, each floor has sitting room, clubroom, laundry room and snake preparation room for perfect retirement choice.

Well-trained social workers are responsible for counseling; each meal is designed by dietician and served at the dining hall 3 times a day. Leisure and life-long educational activities in the form of fitness exercises, formal classes and seminars, neighborhood clubs, informal gatherings, outdoor tours are organized to enrich residents' leisure living. Special porch and cabinets are designed to display creative works to affirm residents' value of life. Resident self-government organizations including monthly house meeting, board committees and committee of leisure activity meetings, volunteer awarding system and fostering of public possessions etc.

We provide 24-hour health counseling services, weekly family medicine outpatient. In order to promote residents' health management, we organize annual health evaluation, regular health education sessions, chronic illness groups and other preventative medical services. The medical service system is completed with a well-connected emergency medical service network.

Extending our experience to the community and enhance residents' meaning of life, we establish health promotion stations, organize grandparent story telling sessions in primary schools and kindergartens and promote handing down of special talents to the next generation.

  • gymnasium, badminton court, high schools at easy walking distance

  • two-minute walk to sunset market to satisfy daily needs

  • hospital bus to teaching hospitals

  • free carpool service (group size 5~9)